Understanding the Process of Drop Kerb Installation


A drop kerb enables a driveway to be built from the road onto the pavement without destroying the surface or the car. It is one of the most important processes when short direct road access to the house is required by the owner. Here, you will find all the information you need regarding need for a drop kerb to its installation.

What is a Drop Kerb?

A drop kerb is therefore a low point on the pavement through which the footway can be crossed by automobiles to get to drives or parking bays, for example. It entails the procedure of cutting a curve from the existing kerb to give a slope between the road and the property. This adjustment prevents the pavement and vehicles themselves from being damaged and grants people legal access in.

Throughout this document we have seen evidence of how the ADA has been adopted by countries across the globe, but this adjustment in access helps to “prevent damage to the pavement and vehicles while maintaining legal access in.”

Why Install a Drop Kerb?

Installing a drop kerb is essential for several reasons:

  • Legal Compliance: This is unlawful since it would damage public property and a pavement has to be lowered by an approved contractor through drop kerb construction.
  • Vehicle Safety: Crossovers from normal kerbs are damaging to vehicles and is therefore avoided when using a drop kerb.
  • Accessibility: If a property receives off road parking then access can be facilitated by the implement of a drop kerb.

The Installation Process

  1. Planning Permission: To do any kind of work, you first need to get planning permission from your local council. This involves putting in an application that consists of an undertaking of why you want to instal the new road and any change that you intend to make on the existing geometric design.
  2. Choosing a Contractor: Finding a right contractor for the job is very important. They have to be adopted by your local council to ascertain that work being done meets all the set standard.
  3. Excavation: To facilitate the installation of the new, lowered kerb, the existing kerb is excavated.
  4. Installation: This new kerb stones are positioned at lower height and they are graced at the driveway entrance.
  5. Finishing Touches: The site is cleaned up while paralleling the new transition so that it is smooth and ends at the road and pavement.

Aftercare and Maintenance

However, again, once you’ve had your drop kerb put in, there is not much that requires maintenance at all. However, it is required to carry out periodic examinations in order not to damage or cause considerable wear of pads and perform the updated pieluch to repair if needed.


Drop Kerb cutting is as simple as it is crucial for anybody requiring a direct right of way from the street to their property. When that is done legally and with a competent contractor, you can have a well-functional and safe drop kerb.

To learn more about our services, please go to Indie Paving where we offer descriptions and expert services which meets your demand.



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